31 ♡ S T Y L E

Time to show a different side of me, one that has been hiding under a rock for ages it seems, haha! But with some inspiration and time on my hands, I am finally able to show you the other side. (Sounds dark huh, lol)

A sweet style. One I wish I could do more often, but in which I feel uncomfortable with because of my height.

Outfit rundown >>

Dress: Yumetenbo
Cardigan: New Look (Not shown in picture)
Boots & Covers: Primark & Yumetenbo
Baret: Second hand store

I love the dress, but it's hard to find a matching cardigan that looks just as classic.

Now the rock inspired outfit. I lean more towards this style and it's amazing how much you can actually do with it!

Outfit rundown >>

Shirt: Real MA*RS (Doesn't really show :v)
Hotpants: H&M
Boots: Can't remember :c
Belt: D.I.A

Still, I'm not happy nor content with it. I can't wait to go to Japan in 3 weeks and come back with a complete new wardrobe!

And I must apologize I always block random things out of my pictures, but my room is so small it always tends to look messy m(_ _)m

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
It's Carnival here but I don't think I'll be heading out.

Take care!


30 ♡ ♥(人´∀`*)

I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. Whether you have spend it with your beloved one, your dearest friends or family, I hope it has been a lovely one (>ω<*)ノノ田♥



T E S T(;゜0゜)

Let's see if mobile posts work from here (^O^☆♪ fingers crossed it won't eat any old posts!

I guess I can update more frequent at this point, even when it's just pictures ♪

28 ♡ HYPER meet

Seems like my phone randomly erased my last post, which is alright since it was about the GGA. Hope everyone made their votes on time!

So, this is already two weeks ago (I know, I'm super behind on everything :c ) but I wanted to update about it nonetheless. HYPER had a giftswap meet that weekend, and at first I wasn't sure whether I could make it..BUT I DID! I didn't join the giftswap, but it was alright. Everyone got super lovely gifts, and it was nice to see everyone's reaction!

This was my coordination for the day. Nothing super exciting since it was really cold, and the wind ruined my hair even before we arrived at Rox's place! Luckily her place was warm and crunchy!

Outfit rundown;

Shirt: Buffalo Bob's
Jeans: Offbrand (Takeshita dori shop)
Shoes: H&M (collab for 'The girl with the Dragon Tattoo')
Accesoires: Vivienne Westwood & Offbrand

Please ignore the messy hallway (Rox had to move several things out and more people obviously live there :'D)

And a group picture, taken from the lovely Gigi!

I had such a wonderful day with my gals, and I hope we can have more of these in the upcoming future. Everyone's really busy, but I look forward to our next meet.

And secretly...

I hope the weather will go warmer soon.

Everyone, please stay warm and safe :)